The very first wedding at Evermore Weddings & Events

2 Apr

Here’s an extra special sneak peak of a stunning wedding which took place last September at a very special new venue…
evermore wedding
Because this week we not only have images from J&J’s vintage film as well as their feedback, but a wedding film trailer to share with you!

We crafted two films for Janice & Joel, and these are the sweet words they sent us:
“Well, that was amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you, the film is beautiful. You brought tears to both Joel & I.  You captured the venue and all it’s charm and energy wonderfully. We’re so very very happy with your work and how you caught all of these special moments – we will cherish this film forever. Thank you so very much.
Amazing work and cannot wait to get back on the couch with a glass of wine and watch our movie :)”